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This family in Holland, MI gave us a call when they saw their foundation wall bowing to a point of danger. After a professional and free inspection, we determined that our patented PowerBrace foundation wall repair system would do the job to fix their problem. PowerBrace stabilizes tilting, bowing, or buckling basement walls by using steel I-beams that secure to the joists above the wall. With this installment, there is no chance this foundation will cause any more dangerous problems for this home.
Lee called us because he was selling his home to his brother and had some concerning foundation problems he wanted to address before the sale. It's quite obvious that the bowing wall pictured is severe. It has a large horizontal crack and some stair step cracking going on as well. Fixing your foundation isn't something that should be taken lightly. It's important to hire a trustworthy, experienced contractor and one that offers a solution that will be effective and suit your needs.
Our system design specialist and Lee sat down and agreed together that installing our PowerBrace system was going to be the best method to fixing the foundation of this home. There are many differently methods that could have worked for this but PowerBraces will overtime actually straighten the wall back its original position. They are zinc coated so no concers of rust. The best part too is that these beams don't require any drilling or digging so the process is pretty noninvasive and is a permanent fix.
Patrick buy rental properties and recently bought this home in Saint Louis. One of the walls in the basement was starting to bow, had about an inch of movement, and had cracks all over it. He needed a solution that would keep renters and home safe but also last a ling time. We installed the PowerBrace Wall Repair System to stabilize the bowing wall and to potentially straighten it back to the original position. This system installs quickly and is done with minimal disruption.
Duane called us about his retaining wall. The wall was an extension of the home and was unfortunately cracking and leaning some. He wasn't sure what that meant for the stability of the home but knew it couldn't be good. The good news is that we had a reliable fix for Duane. The answer was C-Channel wall anchors. Long steel C-channels along the retaining wall were connected to steel GeoLock earth anchors buried out in the yard, away from the wall using long steel rods. This prevents the wall from leaning any further and creates an option for slowly tightening the system over time, potentially improving the condition of the wal. With the possibility of any further damage prevented, Duane can now breathe easy.
Sagging crawl spaces can be a big problem. Crawl spaces support the home above them, and if this structure is failing, your house could be seriously in trouble. This Rockford, MI family gave us a call because of their fear of this failure. After a complete free, professional inspection, our team decided to install our patented SmartJack crawl space stabilizer. SmartJack provides supplemental support to your failing structure and can also often lift failing floor joists or beams, taking them back to their original position. The worry of a crumbling crawl space is no longer there! Now this family can feel safe in with their crawl space, and in their home.
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