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Residents in Belmont, MI began noticing a horizontal crack forming in their basement wall. Needing a permanent solution, they invited us into their home where we installed the power brace. The PowerBrace is a patented foundation wall repair system that's designed to stabilize this failing basement wall and provide the potential to straighten the wall over time.
This customer contacted us because a wall in his basement had some horizontal cracking going on. There was no water coming in but as we all know this crack was going to continue to get worse and eventually water would be a concern. There are many solutions to cracked and bowing foundation walls. After inspecting the crack and talking with the customer we found the perfect solution for everyone, our PowerBrace System.
PowerBraces are designed to permanently stabilize a home's foundation and allows for straightening of a wall over time. These beams are zinc coated so there is no worry about them rusting out. The PowerBraces can also be tightened as the wall moves back to its original/desired position. The beams were also engineered to protect your home's floor system since that is usually a concern with I-Beam systems.
Larry T. called us because he was concerned that his home had settled a bit and wanted to see about getting it lifted back up. The foundation is made of block and there was no issue with sticking doors or windows but he did have sagging floors. We took a look at the issue up front and had the perfect solution.
Our trained specialists installed helical piers to stabilize this home once and for all. Helical piers are designed to permanently stabilize your structure regardless of the weight. They can be used for an entire house or for even a lighter structure such as a deck. The overall goal with these piers is to bring your home back to its original position.
After noticing large cracks in his basement walls, Don became concerned about his foundation and rightfully so. The stair step cracks running below the window of the before photo are one of a few key signs that a basement wall is bowing inward from pressure. This type of structural problem can mean the destruction of a home’s foundation if it isn’t properly and timely addressed. So when Don gave us a call, we rushed over to help him out.
The beams in the after photo, along with the tightening bracket used to connect them to the floor joists, make up the PowerBrace Wall Repair System. Tightening the bracket will push back on the walls and put a stop to the inward pressure. With any luck, the PowerBrace beams won’t only stop Don’s walls from bowing, they may actually push them back to their original position, as well.
Scott had reached out to Ayers previously to have his foundation inspected. While he didn't go forward with the installation, the foundation worsened over the years. Eventually, Scott decided it was time to find a solution and contacted Ayers again. A System Design Specialist with Ayers went on to his home and conducted another inspection to determine what could be done to the problems. The inspection determined that Scott's walls were bowing, and the foundation was settling. While Scott installed various structural supports, one specific support was the PowerBrace System. The PowerBrace sits next to the foundation wall and attaches to the floor joist at the top of the wall. This system will stop Scott's foundation from bowing and permanently stabilizing his foundation. Scott was more than happy to have finally stabilized his home!
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