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Kelly noticed a vertical crack in her finished basement wall and a big crack outside her home near the corner. She called becuase she wanted a solution to the cracks before they got worse and let water in. We installed Helical Piers so stabilize the home. They can be insatlled quickly and year-round. Not only can they stabilize the structure that is settling but they can also help restore the foundations to the original position.
Corin and Caleb needed help stabilizing their bowing basement foundation wall. So they called our team and we installed the GeoLock Anchor System. In most cases this system can eventually straighten the wall back to its original position. It is done by putting heavy anchors in stable soil away from your foundation wall. This system is ideal because it involves minimal disturbance to your lawn and home.
Patrick had a concrete slab under the garage that has dropped and was causing major issues due to the weight of the roof. The middle section of the 2 stall garage has sunk the most and needed to be supported so that the roof and home would be supported. We used Helical Piers to stabilize the garage structure and raise it back to the original level. These install fast and effectively and can be done year-round!
Dan was stressed out about the leaks in his basement wall and was hoping it wouldn't spread to something worse. Worried about this wall leak he knew he needed professional help so Dan called Ayers. We had a crew head over to his house for a free inspection. After our System Design Specialists checked out the issue it was decided Dan would need FlexiSpan.
FlexiSpan is the perfect solution for this problem as it is a crack repair system that consists of a two-layer sealant. This sealant both plugs the crack and creates a drainage route for any water leaks. Underneath the white panel polyurethane was used to seal the seam and any water that pushes its way through this sealant will flow down the wall into a drainage well at the foot of the wall. This solution will put an end to these irritating wall leaks Dan was tired of dealing with.
Dan was relieved to tackle this wall leak issue with a trustworthy solution!
Cathy R. called because she was very concerned about the foundation issues she was experiencing in her home. Our team of experts visited her home and found a common warning sign for block foundation wall failure: horizontal & stair-step cracking. Without proper care, Cathy’s wall will continue to bow inward due to the excessive pressure on the wall from the soil surrounding the home. In order to prevent the wall from failing our team decided to install Geo-Lock anchors. These wall anchors work by installing galvanized steel anchors in the soil away from the home and then connecting them to steel wall plates on the foundation wall with steel rods. This system will keep the wall intact with the ability to tighten the rods in order to straighten the wall over time. The Geo-Lock anchors will ensure your home is stable so you never have to worry.
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