Basement Waterproofing Repair services by Ayers Basement Systems Before & After

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Basement Waterproofing Before & After Photos

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Beautiful Egress Window Replaces Tiny Basement Window in Ludington, MI Home

Leonard was looking to have his small basement window replaced with a larger one to open up his basement space more. He called Ayers to see what we could offer and our crew determined he would love our Egress Windows.


Egress Windows are larger windows which are perfect for basements as they allow more fresh air to circulate the space as well as more natural light. These windows also include a well with a step which provides a safe exit in the case of an emergency where a quick exit is needed. His basement will look much more inviting and complete now with these windows.


Leonard is satisfied with the new look these beautiful windows offer his basement!

SuperSump Installation in Mio, MI

The homeowners in Mio, MI ran into some trouble when a heavy rain flooded their walk-in basement. They could not figure out where the water was coming from and they had no sump pump.

Our professional team took action and installed a SuperSump sump pump into the homeowner's basement. The SuperSump sump pump is a full-featured system that includes the best components available. The SuperSump removes water from the basement into a drainage system that takes the water outside your home. It includes the SuperLiner, which is an airtight lid that looks more attractive, keeps pests out and eliminates safety hazards of an open sump pump. The product also has a floor drain in case an unforeseen accident puts water on your basement floor. It includes a WaterWatch Alarm, which alerts the homeowner if the water level rises above the sump pump intake.  The SuperSump also includes a check valve to prevent pumped water from re-entering the home. 

The SuperSump sump pump can now allow the homeowners to stop worrying about their basement flooding! 

Bowing Walls in Free Soil, Mi

Jon was experiencing bowing walls in his basement and it was clear to even the untrained eye. Jon knew the job required professional help so he contacted Ayers. Our foreman Evan was able to inspect the area and found no signs of water within the home. This meant he and his team could focus on stabilizing the wall.


The wall was showing clear cracks and with a glance, anyone could tell the wall had a curve to it. Evan and his team used a GeoLock anchor to correct the wall. A GeoLock anchor is installed by excavating the ground surrounding the compromised wall and installing a base that is secured into place with deep steel drives. On the opposite side, inside the home, a large metal plate is placed directly on top of the center of the cracking and secured to the wall with screws. The two pieces are bolted together and tightened till constant pressure is present. This pressure pulls the wall back into place and provides a permanent source of stabilization for the wall.

Waterproofing a Basement in Fife Lake, MI

Scott called with a multitude of problems in his basement, the largest of which was water. We installed a full waterproofing system that included replacing the old, open sump pump (being uncovered exposes it to damage risk and debris) with a top of the line TripleSafe sump pump, which will keep the basement dry.

TripleSafe Eliminates Water from Brethren, MI, Home

Water flooded into Rose's basement during the last storm, and she had to fix the issue. She called Ayers about our waterproofing solutions, so we sent a team to her home. Our team decided to install TripleSafe, a sump pump system that includes three pumps: a primary, a backup, and a third, battery-powered pump, in case of power outages. Rose is excited to have a dry basement!

Our Service Area

Proudly Serving Michigan & Indiana

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Ayers Basement Systems
2631 Eaton Rapids Rd
Lansing, MI 48911

Ayers Basement Systems
4475 Airwest Dr SE
Kentwood, MI 49512

Ayers Basement Systems
39555 Orchard Hill Place
Suite 600
Novi, MI 48375

Ayers Basement Systems
1251 North Eddy Street
Suite 200
South Bend, IN 46617
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