Basement waterproofing and foundation repair services by Ayers Basement Systems Before & After

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Ayers Basement Systems Before & After Photos

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Home in Belmont, MI is Stabilized with PowerBrace Installation

Residents in Belmont, MI began noticing a horizontal crack forming in their basement wall. Needing a permanent solution, they invited us into their home where we installed the power brace. The PowerBrace is a patented foundation wall repair system that's designed to stabilize this failing basement wall and provide the potential to straighten the wall over time.

PowerBraces are the Answer to a Cracked Wall in Plainfield, MI

This customer contacted us because a wall in his basement had some horizontal cracking going on. There was no water coming in but as we all know this crack was going to continue to get worse and eventually water would be a concern. There are many solutions to cracked and bowing foundation walls. After inspecting the crack and talking with the customer we found the perfect solution for everyone, our PowerBrace System. 

PowerBraces are designed to permanently stabilize a home's foundation and allows for straightening of a wall over time. These beams are zinc coated so there is no worry about them rusting out. The PowerBraces can also be tightened as the wall moves back to its original/desired position. The beams were also engineered to protect your home's floor system since that is usually a concern with I-Beam systems.

Poly Level Battles Unlevel Sidewalk in Belmont, MI

One afternoon we received a call from Bill in Belmont, MI. The sidewalk in front of his home was growing uneven. Bill found himself telling all of his visitors to watch their step as they approached his home. No one with a beautiful home wants the embarrassment of stating this to their guests! Bill began looking at his options; removing the concrete and re-pouring it seemed like an invasive process. While searching for a more effective solution to address his cement liability concerns, Bill saw an Ayers Poly Level trailer in his community and curiously called us. We used our unique product offering Poly Level to return the cement steps to their original position. Poly Level raises concrete through unique qualities of expanding polyurethane foam, making it: environmentally safe, affordable, waterproof to prevent future erosion, quick and mess free, and a permanent solution! Poly Level not only results in a solution that looks better and lasts longer, it is also less destructive to the applied surface. Poly Level was able to raise the sinking section of cement and make it look like new. Bill can now invite people to his home without facing the burden of uneven sidewalk.

Installing the CleanSpace Basement Wall System in Belmont, MI

Tim’s finished basement has been encountering water intrusion issues. There are no noticeable cracks and this isn't the first time water has entered his basement. So he called our team and we installed the CleanSpace Basement Finishing Wall System to prevent any more water intrusion. Using a poly sheet material to completely cover his basement foundation walls, this system acts as a vapor and moisture barrier. The material is waterproof, stain resistant and can be applied over many different types of surfaces. This system was perfect for Tim by putting a stop to all water intrusion in his basement immediately.

Belmont, MI, Homeowner Improves Safety with Egress Window

Randy moved into his home and realized the windows in his basement didn't allow for an easy escape. Safety in his home is a top priority for Randy, so he researched and called Ayers for help. Our crew of professionals visited to evaluate the space and recommended installing an egress window. Having an easy escape from the basement during an emergency is integral and our egress windows include stair steps, easy-open windows, and a polycarbonate safety cover to prevent surface falls. Randy loves his new escape plan!

Our Service Area

Proudly Serving Michigan & Indiana

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Ayers Basement Systems
2631 Eaton Rapids Rd
Lansing, MI 48911

Ayers Basement Systems
4475 Airwest Dr SE
Kentwood, MI 49512

Ayers Basement Systems
39555 Orchard Hill Place
Suite 600
Novi, MI 48375

Ayers Basement Systems
1251 North Eddy Street
Suite 200
South Bend, IN 46617
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