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I can't stress enough how important it is to have a sump pump that works properly and is the right one for your home. This home was having water coming in through the poured concrete walls. They had previously had another company do the work but it didn't fix the problem and that company is not out of business. We were able to install our WaterGuard system and a sump pump to do the job
The sump pump we installed is our TripleSafe pump that that is literally the king or queen of all pumps. There are 3 pumps built in the 1 liner. The first pump does all the work but the 2nd pump is there in the case the first one can't keep up. Then the third pump is battery powered in the emergency case of a power outage. The TripleSafe also comes with an alarm to alert you if it can't keep up.
The best thing about all of our pumps not just the TripleSafe, is that they come with air tight lids. This ensures that water that enters the pump doesn't evaporate back into the air and create more moisture in your crawl space or basement.
This Windsor Charter Township basement has been getting water intrusion during heavy rain The water is seeping in where the floors and wall meet and even through cracks in the floor. The owner has been thinking about adding a waterproofing system for a while and called us to see what his options would be. We helped him through the process and agreed that a drain system and sump pump would be the best option. We installed the WaterGuard French drain system and the TripleSafe sump pump to keep the water out of the basement!
Dave had a new sump pump installed from a different company and for about 3 years, a loud alarm went off now and again for no reason. Dave called the company that installed it and they would tinker with it but never actually fixed it. After coming out time and time again they finally told Dave that the sump pump would just need to be replaced, but it was extremely expensive. He called Ayers in to come take a look. We explained what our TripleSafe sump pump was and he was instantly sold!
The TripleSafe sump pump system utilizes three pumps in order to remove excess water from the basement. The second and third pumps are in case of emergency, so the basement can remain dry even when the power goes out. David was grateful that his home will definitely remain dry, he doesn't need to have people come out and do maintenance on it every so often, and most importantly the incessant alarm is gone!
A finished basement deserves a finished look. The old, rusted metal window well that was attached to this basement was anything but that. It’s a bit of an eye sore on the outside, and from the inside perspective, the window was failing to at its one job – letting light in. Small rectangular windows don’t allow for much light in the first place, couple that with half the window being buried below ground, and it’s no wonder that the window was struggling. So when these Granger, IN customers called asking about a replacement window for their finished basement, we sent a system design specialist out to explain our egress window systems. Instead of the metal well used in the before photo, the crew installed one of our plastic EverLast wells because the plastic material won’t rust away from water. Another great perk is the size of the well and window much bigger, meaning more sunlight can enter the basement and the lid will actually fit this time around.
Elizabeth K. contacted us because they wanted to take a small window in their basement and remove it to install a large egress window. This home was built in the 90's when egress windows weren't required but now you must have one in every room in the basement that is liveable. The window must also be large enough for a person to escape in case of an emergency. We were able to remove the small window and install this large 4' X 4' egress in this basement so now the family can be relieved knowing that there is an escape route in case ever needed.
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