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Demeka's home has been giving her problems, such as having cracks and bowed basement walls. Eventually, she called us to assess her problem, it was determined by our specialists that her foundation is slipping. To fix this, our specialists determined that Powerbraces on the foundation walls of her basement would fix the problem permanently.
This Lansing home had a basement wall that was pushing in and slanted sideways. They wanted this fixed before the home sold so we were called. We installed the PowerBrace Foundation Wall Repair System to halt movement of the wall. The PowerBrace is made of a steel beam that is secured to joists above the wall with steel brackets. These beams not only stop movement but can potentially straighten the wall. The system allows for tightening, installs quickly, and won't disrupt your basement system.
Kathy M. of Lansing, MI had drastic cracks in her basement walls before she called us for help. Cracks such as this provide a serious threat to the structural integrity of the home. Good thing for Kathy, we had a solution to this problem.
We installed our patented CarbonArmor wall reinforcing system for this job. CarbonArmor uses the same technology as the Army Corps of Engineers designed to reinforce bomb shelters to stabilize your basement walls. The system consists of fiber reinforced polymer that is 10 times as strong as steel, maximizing the utility of the product. And as a bonus, no excavation is needed to install this product.
With this installment, Kathy can live in her home without worrying about the cracks beneath the home.
A customer from Lansing came to us with basement walls that were being damaged by mother nature. It was very easy for us to see that water was making its ways through the walls throughout the years. We were able to solve this issue with our CleanSpace technology. CleanSpace is a 20 mil thick plastic liner that fits to the crawl space to completely seal the home from the earth. Polyester cord reinforcement allows for a lot of durability, to make it last longer than the home will. This liner also contains an antimicrobial additive to prevent mold. Now that the basement is protected from the outside enviornment, this homeowner will never have to worry about a wet and molfy basement ever again.
A homeowner from Lansing called us about his basement wall that was not perfectly straight anymore. He was very concerened so he wanted our professional help. We came to his property and installed wall anchors. Wall anchors are perfect for return the wall back to its original position and reinforcing the whole foundation. We install these by digging a tiny hole in that are a few feet away from the home. Then we drill a steel rod through a 1 inch hole in the basement wall. After that, the rod connects to an anchor that is placed in the hole of the soil. Once we place the plates on afterwards, we have permanently stabilized the basement. So now the homeowner doesn't have to worry about an unsafe basement ever again.
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