Basement waterproofing and foundation repair services by Ayers Basement Systems Before & After

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Ayers Basement Systems Before & After Photos

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Waterproofing a Basement in East Lansing MI

Andrew was having some water issues in his basment. Only one area had the water coming in and the sump pump was on the other side of the basement so that the water wants draining. We installed the WaterGuard system which is a French drain system that is installed under the floor but ontop of the foundation so the drain won't clog. The system collects water that seeps into the basement and drains it to the sump pump.

Leveling a Sunken Driveway and Garage in East Lansing MI

Bob had a large crack where the driveweay and garage connect. The concrete slab of the driveway sunk and Bob was afraid that it would get much worse. We injected PolyLevel to fix the settling issue and to make sure the driveway was level with the garage. PolyLevel is a lightweight foam that is strong enough to hold up the weight of vehicles. The foam is water proof and stable so it won't wash away or react with soil. PolyLevel has a quick curing time of only 15 minutes so it wont impact your day.

Saving a Leaking Window in East Lansing MI

These East Lansing homeowners have only lived in their home for over a year and they noticed that a window in the basement was leaking. This leaking issue is the 2nd time that it has happened since living in the home but they told us that the neighbors recall it happeneing to the owners before them. The basement is partically finished and the homeowners are afraid that there will be water damage. We installed the WellDuct Window Drain which collects the water that comes in from the window and drains it to the sump pump.

Using PolyLevel to Fix a Sunken Sidewalk Slab

Lind contacted us to fix her unlevel sidewalk concrete slabs. We used PolyLevel to raise the sunken slabs and get rid of the trip hazzard. PolyLevel is a lightweight injectable foam that is waterproof so it won't wash away. It also cures in about 15 minutes so that it wont disrupt your day.

Installing the WaterGuard and the SuperSump in an East Lansing Basement

Ed had some water issues in his basement and wanted the water cleaned up so his basement could be dry. We installed the WaterGuard which is a French drain system that collects the water that seeps into the home and sends it to the sump pump. We also installed the SuperSump Premier Pump System. This system provides total protection and works perfectly with our drain systems.

Our Service Area

Proudly Serving Michigan & Indiana

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Ayers Basement Systems
2631 Eaton Rapids Rd
Lansing, MI 48911

Ayers Basement Systems
4475 Airwest Dr SE
Kentwood, MI 49512

Ayers Basement Systems
39555 Orchard Hill Place
Suite 600
Novi, MI 48375

Ayers Basement Systems
1251 North Eddy Street
Suite 200
South Bend, IN 46617
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