Leaning Wall and Leaking Window in Dewitt Basement
The lean in this wall is evident based on its position in relation to the ceiling and adjoining wall. If problems like this aren't addressed early, they can lead to total wall failure. Also note the water damage under the window, a sign of a leak.

PowerBrace Spans Leaning Wall
The steel beams span the entire wall (minus the window) to provide stability along the width.

New Egress Window Prevents Leaking Water
By installing a new window - and having a basement company install it, rather than a window company - the previous issues with leaking will be solved. AND, the egress window meets building code for livable space in the event that they want to finish the basement and turn it into a bedroom.

Excavating the Yard for PowerBrace Installation
In order to install the window and anchor the PowerBraces into the soil for support, we had to excavate a decent amount of the yard. The good news is it's winter and everything is dead anyway, so come spring the grass will grow as normal with the added bonus of the yard not being in the basement post-wall failure.

Aerial View of New Egress Window
The new window provides a buffer between ground moisture and the window, and also just looks nicer in the yard. The cables to either side of the window are the PowerBrace anchors. More on that in the next photo.

PowerBraces Anchored into the Soil to Provide Stability.
After we install the steel beams on the leaning wall, we anchor the beams into the soil for stability and support. These cables can be tightened in order to attempt to straighten the wall. While straightening isn't guaranteed, it's usually achievable.

Water Damaged Wall in Dewitt Basement
From this angle it's even easier to see the water damage on the wood. The fact that the entire basement has wooden walls (vs. concrete) makes it even more susceptible to water and mold damage.

Weakened Water Damaged Walls
Given their weakening over time from the water damage, it's not surprising that the beams that comprise this wall started losing the pressure battle against the soil outside. Luckily, we have a solution for that.

Extended View of Water Damage
Despite only noticing the leak in one spot, the damage from the water is widespread on the affected side of the basement.

Sump Pump in Water Damaged Dewitt Basement
The basement had a single sump pump, but without any sort of system in place to ensure the water actually gets to it, it wasn't of much use.

Power Lines Add a Degree of Difficulty
Part of our inspection process is to identify any circumstances that will complicate a job and take the steps to remedy them. In this case, Miss Dig had to pay the house a visit to identify all power lines, and when they were discovered to be all along the wall we needed to stabilize, the customer arranged to cut power to the house and we brought in generators.

Outside View of Leaning Wall
This wall needs to be excavated to install the PowerBrace system and install the new egress window.

PowerBrace Installed to Stabilize Wall
A PowerBrace is installed across the wall to stabilize it. The beam will be anchored into the soil to provide the security the wall needs.