Moldy, Collapsing Basement in Charlotte, MI
In a single shot we have standing water, bowing walls, wall cracks, and mold. This basement desperately needed our help.

Disastrous Corner of Moldy Basement
Each exaggerated stairstep in the wall is a sign of a leaking crack, and you can see a prior attempt to fill a crack with spray foam insulation (spoiler alert: it doesn't work). Note the aggressive mold at the floor and ceiling levels

Level Shows Bowing Wall
A level held to the outermost part of the wall shows how great the bow (curve) of the wall is. Note how far away from the wall the level is at the floor.

Extensive Stairstep Crack in Basement
This wall is very near failure. Note how the crack extends literally from the ceiling to the floor.

Leaking Window in Crumbling Basement
There are multiple cracks originating at the basement window, which doesn't look like it was installed by a company that specializes in basements. Which it should have been. Because otherwise this happens.

Mold and Rust Engulf Corner of Basement
I...think this window might be leaking. Just a hunch. Note the mold and rust covering basically every surface and all of the spray foam insulation they tried to use to seal leaks.

Another Bowed Wall, as Shown by Level Comparison
Every wall in this basement was bowed or leaning (or both), sometimes as much as 5" and only getting worse. It's only so long before the weight of the house, and basic gravity, win out and the walls just collapse. And if you think it's too much work/money to straighten and reinforce a bowed wall, building an entire new one is much worse.

Cracked, Moldy Corner of Basement
A slightly different view of one of the window walls. Even without the level, you can see how it bows out. Also the mold is just making its way up the wall to where it's eating the insulation. Fun fact: Mold loves insulation.

Mold Eating Wooden Supports
Would you trust these to essentially support your house? Note the gradiant of discoloration as the mold makes its way up the beams. The platform behind them is also wood, not that you can tell by how blackened it has become.

Front View of Mold-Ridden Supports
It's a surprise these haven't just crumbled into soggy, gross dust.

Inefficient Drain System in Moldy Basement
There was no actual sump pump installed in this basement, which is a factor in the water problem. Instead, this murky hole seems to be the resident drain.

Close-Up of Spray Foam Crack Sealant
This photo shows both how badly the wall is bowing and how ineffective spray-foam insulation is at sealing wall cracks. You simply can't get lasting results from something like this.

Badly Bowing Wall in Charlotte, MI Basement
We don't even need the level for this one; you can see how the wall bows. And what's supporting it? Those moldy wooden beams we looked at earlier. Surely safe.

WaterGuard and Power Brace Installation in Progress
We installed the WaterGuard below-floor drain system around the entire perimeter of the basement. This will allow the water to drain into the new sump pump (more on that later) instead of accumulating on the floor.

Well Duct Restores Leaking Window
Remember the window that was leaking so badly the entire wall below it was rusty and moldy? By installing a WellDuct, we can seal the leak and direct the water straight to the WaterGuard system installed in the floor.

SuperSump Removes Water from Leaking Basement
With the WaterGuard tied right into the sump pump, incoming water has no chance.

LawnScape Outlet Helps Remove Water from Basement
The SuperSump is tied into discharge lines that make their way into the yard, allowing the water to be shuttled out instead of sitting on the basement floor causing problems.

Joist Support for Power Brace System
By installing joist supports throughout the basement, the Power Braces have support in the tightening process that will hopefully straighten the walls.

WaterGuard and Power Brace Installation Completed
Note the new SuperSump sump pump in the corner. This will allow the water to drain and be discharged outside.