Loads of Cracking
You can see in this picture that there are staircase cracks going in two different directions. There are even some horizontal lines leading out from the stair case cracks.

Staircase Cracking on a Block Wall
This wall, like the previous wall, has multiple staircase cracking in it. These are very easy signs of a foundation settling and that something should be done. If you see any type of staircase cracking, give us a call so we can help you come up with a solution.

The Wall Sticks Out
The cracking in the wall is due to the foundation settling which is also causing the wall to move inward. If this doesn't get fixed, bigger issues could arise.

Shifting of the Wall
This picture shows that the wall has shifted away from the floor. This is not a good sign and means that the wall definitely needs to be fixed soon.

GeoLock Anchors
We installed the GeoLock Wall Anchor to stabilize the wall to prevent further movement and cracking. These are made out of steel so they are very strong and will keep that wall in place.

Earth Anchor
This is the other side of the anchor that is suspended in stable soil. These earth anchors help to keep the wall upright and keep from further damage happening.