Failing Deck
Obviously, something with this deck is not right. The poor foundation soil that this decks sits on is too weak. So, the deck has been adjusting over time.

What Happens When Deck Has A Poor Foundation
This deck is by no means level, it was very clear that this home needed some foundation repair to extend the longevity of this home's lifespan

Cracking Around Windows
It's very visible to see that over time, this house has moved around. This is only the beginning of what poor foundation has the power of doing.

More Cracking Around Windows
This problem is very severe, this homeowner every right to be suspicious and worried about the state of his home. Luckily, we knew exactly how to fix it.

The Solution: Helical Piers
Helical piers are designed for foundation cases just like this one. Helical piers are perfect for structures such as decks, they lift the home back to the original position, and they are super quick to install so the homeowner will never have to worry about a long installation period.

Like We Were Never Here
We buried these piers after installing them so that they are discretely hidden away for nobody to see. These piers are installed by removing some soil where there pier will be installed, then sections are advanced into the soil. Then the home is lifted back to its original position and then the soil around the installation is replaced.