Sagging Beam Needs Some Help.
The floor above is experiencing some areas of sagging. Some added support is what's needed to level things out again.

SmartJacks Are Installed
SmartJacks support sagging areas of the floor above. First, a cube of earth is removed below the where the jack is to be placed. The hold is then filled with a crushed stone and compacted. A steel base sits on top of that and the steel column completes the install. This system takes the load of the floor above and evenly distributes it deep into the ground below creating incredible strength and reliability.

Concrete Is Replaced
Once the SmartJack is in place, the concrete is replaced over top of the base plate, creating a continuous floor again.

Completed SmartJacks Provide Support
These SmartJacks support a new steal I-Beam which spans several joists and reinforces a sagging area in the floor above.

Bowing Wall In Need Of Repair
The homeowner had said the rock wall had been bowing for years. Now beginning to show some holes, the wall is covered with insulation to help add separation from the outside.

Rock Wall Showing Holes
This rock wall is showing some holes. The extreme deterioration requires the wall to either be rebuilt or for a new wall to be built in front of it.

Shotcrete Applied To Wall
The failing rock wall was sprayed on its surface with Shotcrete, filling any voids with new cement and building up a new wall in front of the old one.