Cracks Extend In Both Directions
Like in a home with foundation issues, where cracks extend up from the corners of the doorway, in this arch cracks extend upwards in both directions from the top of the keystone.

Stairstep Cracks In The Brickwork
Stairstep cracks are often a clear sign of a sinking foundation. They are clearly seen in this archway.

Repairs Start By Digging
The first step to supporting the foundation is to dig down to the bottom of it.

Helical Pier Is Drilled Into The Soil
Once the bottom of the foundation is exposed, the helical pier is drilled deep down to competent soil and then a heavy-duty foundation bracket is placed on top to support and possibly lift the foundation.

Cracks Are Filled And Mended
Once the foundation was supported, cement was used to neatly patch the cracks in the brickwork.