Sinking, Tilting Chimney in Hastings, MI Home
The culprit - this chimney is making everyone's lives miserable by pulling away from the house as the foundation sinks.

Hastings Chimney Pulling Away from House
When their neighbors' landscaping upset the soil, this chimney started sinking and pulling away from the house.

Visible Interior Signs of Sinking Chimney
Here is the most visible evidence of the chimney tilting away from the house - you can see the wall actually pulling away with it.

Installing Push Piers in Hastings, MI Home
We excavate to the foundation in order to install the piers. The piers are drilled far down into the soil in order to support the foundation without risk of further soil shift.

Push Piers Installed in Hastings, MI
After drilling the piers in, this is what they look like. We'll restore the excavated soil and the landscaping will be as good as new.