Wait... I see Evidence of Water
Amy was worried about water seeping into her basement where the wall meets the floor. If you look closely at the floor tiles near the wall, there is discoloration likely caused by exposure to water. This is evidence needed to back up Amy's claim.

The Need for WaterGuard is Apparent
The WaterGuard installation process starts when the concrete is removed at the base of the walls, exposing the homes footing. As we can see in this picture, Amy's basement is in desperate need of WaterGuard, the trough we have dug to install the WaterGuard is already filling up with water.

It's Time for Some WaterGuard
Once the concrete is removed at the base of the walls, the WaterGuard drain system can be set into place. Then drainage stone is laid around the WaterGuard to allow maximum drainage.

This Homes Sump Pumpless Days are Over
Amy is now Triple Safe! The Triple Safe sump pump system is being installed. For Amy, the days of not having a sump pump are finally over. This sump pump contains all of the essential features needed to help keep her basement dry.

It's Cement Time
After drainage stone is laid around the WaterGuard, concrete is replaced over top. The wall flange creates a small gap that allows moisture from the walls and cove joint to freely flow into the drain.

Get That Water Outta Here
The Triple Safe sump pump discharge line is installed to ensure the water is directed away from Amy's home.

Away the Water Goes from the Home
To complete our work outside Amy's home, the discharge line is buried and the Lawnscape outlet gives water from the Triple Safe sump pump the opportunity to flow away from her home. The Lawnscape outlet prevents the line from clogs, is convenient to mow around and adds beauty to the home.

The Water Problems are Nowhere in Sight now
Once the concrete has been replaced, the floor is once again seamless. The WaterGuard system will go virtually unnoticed and is a welcomed asset to the home. The Triple Safe sump pump is level with the floor and close to the wall making it minimally invasive of the useful space in Amy's basement. We sure are happy we could help make her basement dry again!