Water Enters The Basement At The Base Of Foundation Walls
Upon inspection of the basement, there were areas where water was steadily seeping in at the base of the wall. The homeowner needed a solution that would collect the water at the wall's base and prevent puddling.

Gaps In Pavement Give Water Access Point To Basement
It's clear to see how water was finding its way into the basement. Cracks in the sidewalk at the base of the chimney gave water a clear avenue in.

Water Flows To Basement's Low Points
The concrete shows the evidence of past water flowing from the base of the wall to a low point in the basement floor.

Areas Of Puddling Are Areas Of Concern
Areas where puddles exist in the middle of the basement are areas that will need to be addressed to be sure that incoming water has a way to be directed to the sump pump and out of the home.

A WaterGuard System Is Laid On The Home's Footing
The WaterGuard system is laid in a narrow area that was excavated along the perimeter of the basement where it collects water from the base of the wall.

WaterGuard System Protects Entire Perimeter Of Basement
The WaterGuard system is able to extend the entire length of the troubled area. The sump pump is placed in a low area along the wall and water is filtered to it from either side.

Cross Tile PVC Collects Water From Basement Low Points
Cross tile pvc is specially cut to collect water from areas away from the perimeter of the basement where water might be susceptible to gathering.

Excavated Concrete Is Replaced To Complete The Waterproofing
Once the WaterGuard and cross tile pvc is fully in place and the sump pump is prepared, the excavated concrete is replaced and the drainage system becomes almost completely unseen.

Completed Waterproofing Provides Protection Throughout Basement
Once the concrete is replaced, all that will be seen of the WaterGuard system is a small space created at the base of the wall designed to capture the water.

Sump Pump System Delivers Ultimate Protection
This Sumper Sump system has several great features like a 1/3 horse power pump that makes quick work of water removal, a floor drain, airtight lid, and an alarm system that alerts the homeowner if the pump is failing or not keeping up.