Water Damaged Floor in Wet Basement
When groundwater leaks through the floor, it can strip paint and ruin finishes.

Super Sump Removes Water Proactively
By tying the WaterGuard into the sump pump, we can assure that water is directed to the pump and outside.

WaterGuard Installation
We have to remove a portion of the concrete floor to install the WaterGuard track, shown here right after the track is placed in the divot. Don't worry - we'll pour new concrete after everything is connected and secured.

LawnScape Outlet Doesn't Disrupt Landscaping
By installing a LawnScape outlet on the end of the discharge line, we can bury the line and keep your lawn in tact, as well as eliminate a trip hazard and lawn mowing inconvenience.

Brightwall Panels Spruce Up Basement
Instead of black walls, this basement now has bright, clean walls.

Brightwall Installation in Progress
The wall panels tie right into the WaterGuard system, and help shuttle the water into the track and eventually the sump pump.

The Finished Product
With new concrete poured and Brightwall panels up, this basement is greatly improved from the dark, dismal space it was.

Water Damage on Walls and Floor in Basement
Staining and stripped paint are signs of water damage.

Water Damage on Walls in Wet Basement
As water flows through the walls, it takes paint with it and leaves the stripped appearance behind.