Water Damage Outside of House
When there's obvious water staining outside of the house, it's clear that the water is making it inside as well.

Leaking Stone Wall in Belding Basement
Water was coming in through the floor and spots on each wall, which meant it needed a full basement solution.

Water Damage Surrounding Basement Window
This window - the same one from the interior wall shot in the previous photo - was one of the major leak sources. You can see discoloration all around it even on the outside, which points to water damage.

Cracks in Floor Provide Water Entry Point
Hydrostatic pressure can cause hairline cracks in the floor, which can widen with time and constant water flow.

DIY Crack Repair Attempts in Basement Floor
You can see that someone, at some point, tried to fill the crack with an epoxy of some sort. It...didn't work, and the crack expanded. Water is stronger than pretty much every store-bought solution you can think of.

Water in Basement Cove
The cove - the area surrounding the basement stairs - was one of the heavier hit spots for standing water and damage.

Drainage Stone Assists in Water Dispersal
By pouring drainage stone over the WaterGuard, we can diffuse the flow a little to prevent a severe leak from overwhelming one section of the track.

Sump Pump Actively Discharges Water
As you can see here, the WaterGuard and the discharge lines are all tied right into the sump pump, so water is quickly and proactively sent outside.

Crosstile Helps Heavy Water Areas Drain
In areas away from the perimeter with especially heavy water flow, we install cross tile to help shuttle the water to the WaterGuard system.

Preparing the Floor for New Concrete
After the WaterGuard track is laid and drainage stone is poured, we tape everything down so it doesn't move when we pour new concrete.

SaniDry Combats Ambient Moisture
While the WaterGuard will help direct water to the sump pump and outside, the SaniDry dehumidifier will take care of excess humidity caused by the leaks. This will prevent mold and water damage to the wood in the basement.

Inspection Ports Provide Access to WaterGuard
In the event that we need to access the WaterGuard system for any reason, these inspection ports make it a quick and easy process.

Digging a Path for the Discharge Line
Using a Lawnscape outlet allows us to bury the discharge line and keep it from being a visual, and physical, nuisance.

Lawnscape Outlet Provides Convenient Discharge
By ending the discharge line in a Lawnscape outlet, we can bury the line itself and avoid creating a trip hazard. Also, no excuse to not mow your lawn.