Water Damage on Lansing Basement Wall
Water damage has led to discoloration and mold on the block wall in this basement.

Leaking Wall Cracks in Basement
You can see particularly bad water damage toward the bottom of the walls. More on that in the next photo.

Closeup of Basement Wall Crack
Here's a closer look at the crack shown in the previous wide shot photo. This kind of paint bubbling and peeling is indicative of water issues and cracks in the block walls.

Measuring the Damage
This makeshift ruler (hand drawn to show up better on film) shows that the first full foot of the basement walls is thoroughly damaged by the constant water leaking and standing water.

Being Extra Careful with Your Possessions
We take extra care to wrap or drape everything outside of the work area and prevent excessive dust. Here, we've wrapped a washer and dryer.

Removing the Floor for WaterGuard Installation
In order to install a below-floor drainage system, we have to be able to access the area below the floor. That means we remove a portion of the floor. But don't worry, we restore it at the end.

Drainage Stone Assists WaterGuard Draining
Drainage stone prevents the water from getting 'stuck' or overloading the track by giving it a way to filter through slowly.

WaterGuard Track Secured After Installation
After installing the WaterGuard system, we need to secure it before we can pour new concrete. That's where the white tape comes in.

TripleSafe Sump Pump Will Handle Water
50 gallons a day? Pssh, no problem. The triple safe has three powerful sump pumps to make sure it's always on top of things.

TripleSafe Installation in Progress
Ah, the inner workings of a TripleSafe before the lid is in place.

WaterGuard Inspection Ports Allow for Easy Access
By installing these ports, we can gain access to the system in the event that it needs service. Much easier than blasting out the concrete!

Discharge Line Carries Water Far, Far Away
The discharge line goes from the sump pump to a safe distance away in the yard. This way it won't just drain back into the basement as it's discharged.

IceGuard Prevents Winter Flooding
It's common for discharge lines to freeze in the winter - after all, they're outside. With IceGuard installed on the line, any water stopped by a frozen blockage will simply spray out of the vents rather than back up into your basement.

Invisible Discharge Line
If you look closely, you can see where the grass has been restored after burying the discharge line. Clearly it won't interfere with landscaping, lawn mowing, or general yard use.