Water Damage in Scottville, MI Basement
The walls and floor show major signs of water damage, including standing water at the time of the inspection. While the basement had three floor drains, only one of them actually worked and it's difficult to drain water when the basement is at the low point and working against gravity.

Major Water Collection Point in Basement
The foot of the stairs was a major problem area, as you can see from the severity of the water damage on the adjacent wall and the mess that is the bottom stair.

Severe Water Damage on Basement Wall
This is what happens when you have too much standing water for too long. The wall is warped and a perfect harbor for mold.

Ineffective Floor Drain in Scotville Basement
Three of this drain were the only methods of water removal in this basement. And only one of the three worked. And given the slope of the surrounding landscape, the water had nowhere to naturally drain once the immediate soil had reached its saturation point. So instead, it sat in the basement.

Water Damage Encroaching into Basement
Once water problems begin, they only get worse. What started as a leak eventually turned into a major headache in this basement as the water took over and destroyed more and more of the flooring and walls.

WaterGuard Track Installation in Progress
After drilling out the perimeter of the concrete slab and laying drainage stone to help the water move through the track, we install the WaterGuard track.

WaterGuard Installation in Perimeter of Scottville Basement
By installing the WaterGuard system around the entire perimeter of the basement, any influx of water can be quickly dealt with.

Sump Pump Helps Remove Water
A sump pump is tied into the WaterGuard system so any water that drains is directed to it and immediately pumped out of the basement. A lot more reliable than a floor drain.

Alex is Ready to Pour Concrete
Crew member Alex shows off some safety gear and the concrete mixer as the crew gets ready to put the finishing touches on the basement.

Trench Drain Installed in Problematic Area
A trench drain is installed in the pesky area at the foot of the stairs. This is tied into the WaterGuard system as well, to eliminate standing water and help direct it to the sump pump. After installation, we pour new concrete to create a level surface.

New Concrete Restores Basement Floor
After the WaterGuard is in place, we pour new concrete to restore the slab. There are inspection ports installed in the WaterGuard track for easy maintenance and you're free to replace the flooring as needed.