Bowing Wall in Greenville, MI Basement
It's difficult to tell in this photo, but the wall on the right is bowing out as much as one inch.

Side View of Greenville Bowing Wall
See it now? Look at the position of the wall in relation to the trip on the closet door. It pushes out (bows) in the middle, which causes the top and bottom to appear pulled away. Walls can only take strain like this for so long before they collapse and you have a new walk-out basement.

Geo-Lock Wall Anchor System Secures Bowing Wall
Here, a Geo-Lock Channel Anchor is placed at the point of pressure causing the wall to bow.

Geo-Lock Wall Anchor Spans Entire Wall
The anchor covers the entire width of the wall. It will be secured into the soil outside and tightened, which will straighten the wall and secure it against future bowing.

Geo-Lock Wall Anchor Secured in Soil
We secure the anchors deep in the soil to remove the pressure of the earth from the wall.