Water Damaged Basement in Sparta, MI
Note the signs on the floor of water damage.

Floor is Cut Away in Preparation for WaterGuard
We have to remove a section of the floor in order to install the WaterGuard system. Once the track is installed, we pour new concrete to restore the floor.

Cross Tile Installation Aids Drainage to Sump Pump
To give the water drainage system a little boost, we also installed a cross tile section that crossed the middle of the floor. This is often done when there is a slope in the basement floor.

WaterGuard Installation in Progress
Here's a shot of the WaterGuard in progress, before the new concrete is poured.

Floor is Patched After WaterGuard Installation
One of the biggest concerns we hear when customers look at photos of our work is that they don't want their basement floors to be multicolored. But don't worry! The concrete is only that dark when it's wet. As it dries it lightens up to the light gray you're used to.