The bowing in the walls needed immediate intervention. Allowing water to enter from the bottom and a sign that the supportive structure is weak, Randy used a GeoLock anchor to correct the issue. GeoLock Anchors fix this issue by pulling the wall back into place. GeoLock is installed by excavating the ground around the perimeter of the home. Anchors are placed along the outside of the now exposed basement walls and held in place with steel drives. On the other side of the wall, a large metal plate is aligned with the anchor and bolted together. The bolt is tightened till constant pressure is pulling the wall into place. Geolock is considered a permeate solution, not only correcting walls but keeping them from sliding back out of place too.

The cracks in the foundation were enough evidence for Randy to feel he needed to reintroduce support to the home's foundation. The best tool that virtually replaces the foundation of a home that Randy used is a set Of PowerBraces. PowerBrace is a foundation repair system created to secure basement walls in place. Outside pressures can cause your basement walls to crack or tilt, but this foundation repair system counteracts these pressures by keeping the basement walls in place. Over time, the system can be tightened to not only secure the walls in place but to also straighten them.

Stairstep Cracking
Foundational walls with stair-step cracks are a sign that the foundation of the home is at risk. While these cracks can seem innocuous, they are a sign that the earth around your foundation has shifted. The shifting dirt puts stress on different parts of the foundational wall till it becomes comprimised.