Cracks in the Walls
Cracks like the one pictured here are a clear sign that your home's foundation has been compromised. Luckily, Bud contacted Ayers soon enough for Blade and his team to reverse the damage. Compromised foundations pose a risk to the structural stability of the home, risking collapse and other issues. At-home remedies may stop water or light from entering the home, but the issue will progress till a team Like Ayers provides an industry-tested solution.

Helical Pier
To help correct the foundation and prevent further settling, Blade and his team installed Helical Piers along the homes perimeter. Helical Piers are a tool trusted by Ayers due to their non-intrusive nature compared to other foundational repair systems. The piers are long screw-shaped drives that are driven deep under the home at an angle. The drives keep going till they pass the weak soil and find new firm ground. The tops of the piers are capped with load-bearing caps that provide a flat surface for the home to rest upon.

Push Piers
The home's foundation had shifted a sizable amount by the time Blade and his team was able to start work. To correct the pre-existing damage Blade and his team installed Push Piers. Soil from around the foundational footing is removed and a special bracket is placed under the footing. Metal beams are hydraulically driven through the bracket and into the ground till it hits bedrock. The weight of the home is then transferred to the bracket, supported by the piers in the ground. The soil is replaced, creating a new foundation for the home to rest upon.