A Powerful TipleSafe Pump to Protect the Home
To help the home's draining system, Bruce and his team installed a TripleSafe sump pump to replace the home's original. Ayers uses the TripleSafe pump because it is equipped with three levels of security to ensure the pump works around the clock. The first level of security is a powerful motor, the strongest available. The second level of security is a reserve motor that activates should the water flow surpass a certain level. The third level of security is a backup battery that initiates if the home ever losses power.

IceGuard for Winter Protection
Bruce wanted to make sure the home would be safe year-round so he installed IceGuard modifications to the home's pumps. IceGuard is attached to the pipes leading to the sump pump. The mod is designed to prevent ice build-up that would otherwise clog the drain and cause further flooding.