ProwerBrace for Long Lasting Wall Correction
To restabilize the entire basement Evan and his team installed PowerBrace brackets. The brackets are installed along the compromised wall and are anchored into the ground with concrete. They are strategically placed along the walls and are topped with load baring joints that attach to the rim joist. The steel brackets are heightened till they are constantly providing counter force. The brackets prevent the walls from drifting further and inconspicuously reintroduce support to the home.

GeoLock Anchor Corrects Walls
To prevent further damage to the cracked wall, Evan installed a GeoLock anchor while working on the basement. GeoLock is installed by excavating the earth on the cracked wall and installing a metal anchor that is held in place with drives. On the other side of the wall, inside the home, a steel plate is placed on top of the cracks and screwed into the wall. A large bolt connects the plate to the anchor and is tightened till the apparatus is tightly connected. GeoLock is a permanent wall correcting tool that is designed to hold the wall in place, preventing cracks from reappearing in the same area.

Bowing Wall needs Intervention
When inspecting the home, Evan discovered a bowing wall clearly in need of help. A home's foundational soil can shift for a number of reasons. If the soil shifts too much then the foundation is victim to uneven pressure and cracking. If the pressure gets to be too much, the wall can begin to bend inwards, providing a risk to the home's structural support that can lead to even greater damage. The best solution is to get professional work done fast. If the home owner waits too long then the damage can get more severe risking a larger price tag and even more headaches. Luckily Scott made the right decision by contacting Ayers and letting Evan and his team do what needed to be done.