Geolock Anchor
To correct the cracked wall Evan and his steam installed a GeoLock anchor into the home's crawl space. GeoLock is made up of two major parts. The anchor is placed by excavating the earth outside of the cracked wall and driving a base into the ground. The second part is a plate placed inside the home on the opposite side of the wall. The Plate and the anchor are tightened together by a steel bolt and tightened. The pressure corrects the wall over time, providing a permanent solution.

Helical Piers
To stabilize the entire home and fight against the settling of the foundation soil, Evan and his team installed Helical Pier sets. The piers are installed by digging around the perimeter of the home and driving drill-shaped steel rods under the home and capping them load-bearing concrete blocks. The weight of the home is focused on the blocks, creating a new source of foundational support meant to permanently stabilize the home.

To help prevent future flooding, Evan's steam fitted the basement with a better sump pump known as a TripleSafe pump. TripleSafe is the only pump Ayers uses because of its three measures to fight against heavy flooding. The 1st level is a powerful motor, designed to handle water at most levels. The 2nd level is a backup motor that activates if the water passes a certain level. The final measure is a backup battery that activates if the home's power is ever cut during a flood.