Leaking Cracks
You can see in this picture all of the cracks that are in the floor of this basement room. Water was coming up through the cracks causing water to pool on the floor, hence the squeegee against the wall. The floor was removed due to the water intrusion and the homeowner wants to utilize the room again so they needed a solution.

Down the Halls
There were cracks all the way down the halls of the basement too. You can tell water was entering through them due to the dark color surrounding the cracks.

Finally a Sump Pump
The home did not have a sump pump before the project began but has one now to help keep all the water out of the home so the basement can remain dry and be used once again!

Perimeter Drain Install
The WaterGuard is under the floor so you don't have to worry about an unsightly drain in your basement. It collects water that leaks in through the floor or walls and sends it to the sump pump to be discharged outside. Once the install in complete, all concrete is restored!

Water Collection in the Middle
This is the WaterGuard port that extends beyond the perimeter to the middle of the floor where all the cracks are. The line that connects it to the WaterGuard is under the rocks but the white part sticking up will not be covered once the concrete is restored. This is where water that starts to pool gets collected and sent to the sump pump.

Iceguard Protection
The IceGuard has the slotted openings all around it, this is where the water escapes if the discharge lines freeze in the colder months. This allows the home to remain safe and dry.