Old Window Well Collected Water
The old window well was susceptible to deterioration, rust, and collected a lot of water and debris.

SunHouse Window Well Keeps Space Bright
Typically window wells are dreary and full of debris, pests, and water. SunHouse Window Wells are designed to bring light and brightness into your space. Not only will the well bring light, but it also won't deteriorate or rust over time.

Well Cover Keeps Out Pests and Debris
The SunHouse Window Well can also come with a cover which we see being fitted here. This will keep out debris, pests, and water while still letting in lots of light.

Previous Window Well Was Dreary
The previous window well was dark and drab, not bringing in any light to the space and contributing to leaks in the space.

Light and Bright After Installation
After the installation of the SunHouse Window Well and a new EverLast Egress Window the space is bright and light and airy.