Stair Step Cracking in the Wall
This wall has stair step cracking in it which is something you don't want. This means that the foundation is settling and the cracks could get worse.
A Closer Look
This is a closer look at the cracks in the wall. If you see this in your home, call us so we can help you find the perfect solution.
Loose Support
This block has cracking around it and looks as if it is being separated from the rest of the wall. This could push up on the floor or into the window and cause other issues.
Bowing Wall
There is a crack that runs horizontally under the window and to the left. This wall is bowing and that is not good, but we can provide you with a solution.
A Broken Block
This part of the wall is crumbling and pieces are falling out. You really don't want this in your home, it could lead to leaks or the wall getting worse.
Installing the Solution
The wall that was crumbling is now patched up with the CarbonArmor system. No more leaking, crumbling wall, or problems!
CarbonArmor Support
We installed the CarbonArmor to stabilize the wall and keep from the cracks getting worse. They are bonded to the wall and don't take up any space so you can finish your basement!