YIKES - Cracks
Do you see your foundation folding in half or large vertical cracks that look like stair steps? We call these bowing walls and stair-step cracks; they're the red flags that show your foundation needs help holding up your home. Be sure not to ignore them just because they're in your basement! If a guest saw stair-step cracks and bowing walls in your living room it would be nothing short of frightening. Eventually, foundation instability creeps up to every part of your home

A Closer Look
Do you see how the wall looks like it's splitting in half as if it's a half-sandwich made with one piece of bread? Scary. Without help, a wall will bow until it snaps. The quicker we can provide support the less expensive and dire it will be.

Fix it or Move Out
Be real - no one wants to buy a house that crumbling down so, you might as well expand and start enjoying the other third of your home. PowerBraces are the solution; they're the foundational support system that provides initial strength that keeps your home afloat but also tightens it overtime to a healthy position.

Power Braces
Our System Design Specialists examine how many power braces there needs to be and where to best position them. Then, the foreman comes in and anchors the beams onto the home using brackets, as shown in the photo above. Next, we'll look at different ways a power brace can be fitted to a wall.

2 Ways that Power Braces Work
First, you need to know what a joist is to have this conversation. Joists are the wood beams on your ceiling that look like lane lines in a swimming pool. In other words, they're the horizontal pieces of wood that support your ceiling. Power Braces are secured to these joists when strengthening the foundation. When the lane lines run parallel to each other, you can fit the Power Braces in between two of of the joists (look at the circled brackets for reference) or, when the brace runs against the grain, we create our own joist for it to attach to. The bracket, that is perpendicular to the joists, on the ceiling, inside the red rectangle, depicts that solution. Both installation techniques provide immediate support and straighten waits over time.

Power Braces Support You
Now, the installed Power Braces will prevent this wall from cracking in half like a grahm cracker. Providing support to your basement gives you more clout for selling or more room for you to grow.

Easing the Weight
The Power Braces evenly spreads the weight of the home around. In this way, the entire foundation is supported and you can feel relieved that you, your family, and physical home is safe.