Front Porch
PolyLevel is used to bring this porch back to its original level.

Porch Lifted
Those three dots are where we injected our PolyLevel. A nice thing about our PolyLevel is that it's waterproof. So if it rains, this homeowner won't have to worry about the PolyLevel washing way.

Walkway Needs to be Lifted
Although it may not be as noticeable as it is in some cases, this walkway has some un-level spots. Even the slightest of change in a walkway's depth can cause people to trip and fall.

Injections to the Walkway
The white areas in the walkway are where we injected the PolyLevel. Each injection will make a huge difference to the walkway, make it easier to walk on, and more aesthetically pleasing.

Quick Curing Time
After PolyLevel is injected, it only takes about 15 minutes for it to fully cure.