An Unprepared Crawlspace
With poor insulation on both the floor and walls, this space is letting in cold temperatures and humidity.

The Consequences
Cold temperatures and humidity can cause a number of issues. Cold temperatures increase energy bills and make the floors we walk on cold. Humidity can cause mold growth and dust mites.

Sump Pump In Need Of An Upgrade
Sump pumps have come a long way in the past years and it is important to keep your system up to date. Old sump pumps are vulnerable to failure and can take more energy to run.

A Shiny Pump
With a new Smart Sump pump, this crawlspace is fully protected and is running more efficient.

SilverGlo On The Walls
Using SilverGlo wall insulation, the crawlspace is protected from freezing temperatures entering the house.

CleanSpace To Top It All Off
CleanSpace is used to protect the floors from any water vapor or cold temperatures rising up. With all of these upgrades, this crawlspace is fully protected.