Dirt Crawlspace Usually Leads to Issues
Dirt floors allow air and moisture to enter your home through the crawlspace, and if your crawlspace is cold, it will make your entire home cold and cause you to waste a ton of money on electrical bills.

Mold Growth
Here is just a small section of the mold that we discovered. As you can see, it's eating away at the wood, and if left for a long period of time, it can cause a multitude of problems.

CleanSpace Installation Begins
CleanSpace is a plastic liner that is designed to permanently keep away any moisture and air. It is placed completely over the walls and floor, creating a constant blockage to anything outside of it.

It's Time to Get Rid of the Fiber Glass Insulation
Fiberglass insulation is never a good idea. Fiberglass welcomes moisture, as it just soaks it all up, making it extremely easy for mold to grow.

FrothPak Insulation is Far Superior to Fiberglass
This is an insulation system that it used to seal off any cracks that may be in your wall. It is foam that is sprayed onto the wall, and what sets it apart from other systems is that it does not absorb moisture. Last but not least, mold cannot grow on it because it is made from inorganic materials.

CleanSpace Installation Finished
Now that CleanSpace is completely installed, cold air and moisture will be completely sealed off from this crawlspace.

SaniDry CX Dehumidifier
The SaniDry CX Dehumidifier is a powerful system that works for both basement and crawl space environments. This innovative system is small enough to fit into most crawl spaces, while its powerful blowing motor and efficient design allow it to effectively dry a crawlspace.