Tree Causing Wall Problems in Wyoming, MI
This tree's root system expanded into the foundation of the home, causing the wall to bow. They called us to stabilize it after the tree was removed.

Front View of Bowing Wall
This wall was steadily bowing from outside pressure.

Bowing Wall in Basement
As the roots expanded outside, pressure from the tree and soil forced this wall inward. Bowing walls threaten the safety of a home and can cause issues upstairs.

Tree Removal Aids Installation
The customer actually had the tree removed and the wall excavated before we arrived to expedite the process. By removing the tree and the root system, we can guard against future encroachment.

Channel Anchor Stabilizes Wall
Here's a side view of one of the channel anchors we installed on the bowing wall. The bolt in the middle is connected to the cables shown in exterior photos.

Channel Anchor Installation
We installed multiple channel anchors along the bowing wall to ensure stabilization and even pressure.

Cables Anchor Wall in Stable Soil
These cables are attached to anchor plates both inside the home and outside in stable soil. Over time, the cables can be tightened to pull the wall back toward its original position.

Anchor Plates Outside of Home
The steel cables that are attached to the channel anchors inside the basement are attached to these plates at a point where we've determined the soil is stable. As the cables are tightened each year from the inside, the wall can hopefully be straightened.