Basement Mold in Holt, MI
Usually when a basement or crawl space begins to leak water, mold is either on its way or has already arrived.

TripleSafe Sump Pump Installation
Having a reliable sump pump is key to keeping your basement dry, and there is no better option that our TripleSafe Sump Pump.

TripleSafe Sump Pump is Top Notch
There are so many features that set TripleSafe apart from other sump pumps. It has three sump pumps that fit all into one liner. This is important because three pumps won't become overwhelmed with higher pumping demands like a single pump system would. Also, if the power goes out in your home, the third pump serves as a battery-operated backup, meaning that it will take care of any business that needs to be handled until the power comes back on

Basement Drainage in Holt, MI
Here you can see our crew working hard to install the WaterGuard drainage system. Our WaterGuard system is the ideal choice for waterproofing. This French drain is designed to be installed below the floor slab, resting on top of the foundation footing. This keeps the drainage system out of the "mud zone", where drains can clog.

FrothPak Insulation Seals Joists
FrothPak is a perfect solution where insulation is necessary, but tricky. It's an insulation system that it used to seal off even the tiniest of cracks that may be in your wall. It is foam that is sprayed onto the wall, and what sets it apart from other systems is that it does not absorb moisture, and mold cannot grow on it because it is made from inorganic materials.

LawnScape Outlet Works in Yards With Very Little Pitch
Our LawnScape Outlet provides great discharge even in yards that have very little slope to them. This is also a more aesthetically pleasing option as well, because it's flat on the ground, making it blend in to the yard far better than a drain or chute that takes up a large portion of the yard.

IceGuard Comes in Clutch in the Winter Months
Sump pump discharge lines are fed outside the home, meaning it's possible they could freeze during the cold winter months. A backed up discharge line means your sump pump won't work properly in the event of water in your basement, which will make the flooding much worse. The IceGuard fits over the top of your discharge line to provide water with a secondary escape route. When the main line is working correctly, water simply flows out as usual. However, when the discharge line is frozen, the IceGuard allows water to escape through slotted openings in the drain pipe.