Signs of Water
This wall shows the typical signs that water is coming through. The bricks at the top have that white, chalky powder and the streaks in the wall. This homeowner told us that they have a water problem during big rain falls/snow melts.

Wall was Starting to Bow
Although this home owner contacted us because of a water issue we noticed one of the walls was bowing in. A bowing wall is not something to wait and fix later, it's the foundation to your home and could be dangerous.

CleanSpace to Encapsulate
We installed our CleanSpace system to keep outside elements outside. CleanSpace is very durable and will make sure no water, wind or dirt can get inside.

WaterGuard is the Best Interior Drainage System
Our WaterGuard system works to collect water that comes up from the floor and walls and direct it to the sump pump.

Power Braces Stabilize Bowing Wall
PowerBraces are an I-Beam system that work to straighten your wall over time, as they can be tightened. The beams are zinc coated so they won't rust and the best part is no outside excavation is required.

IceGuard Stands up to Frozen Discharge Lines
This fitting is an IceGuard, it works so that if the lines get frozen in the winter the water can still escape through the holes in the top.

Finally, No More Obstacles in Your Yard
Those discharge lines in your yard are so annoying, you have to mow around them, people can trip over them and they're just not that appealing. This is our LawnScape outlet that allows us to bury the discharge lines.