Severely Bowing Wall in St. Joseph
The red posts were installed by another company to stabilize the wall, but it's clear that whoever installed them didn't know what they were doing.

Closeup of Wall Cracks
In addition to the major horizontal crack spanning the wall, areas also had stairstep cracks branching off.

DIY Crack Filling Doesn't Work
Someone tried to fill the wall cracks with spray foam, which may briefly work, but isn't a good long term solution.

C Channel Wall Anchor Installation
The wall anchors are installed along the affected walls and secured in stable soil outside.

Wall Anchor Plate Closeup
This plate gets installed on the inside portion of the cable and provides stability to the wall as the cable is gradually tightened.

Removing Ineffective Posts
Once our wall anchors are in place, we remove the old ones.

Wall Anchor Cables Installed
Cables for the Geo Lock Wall Anchors are secured in stable soil outside. This allows us to tighten the plate and keep the wall stable, hopefully straightening it over time.

Sentry Seal Installation Prevents Water Entry
With a wall as cracked as this one, it's useful to also install external waterproofing protection. The Sentry Seal membrane prevents water entry.

Replacing Soil After Installation
Once the anchors are in place, we can replace all of the soil and, other than some missing grass, there's no sign that anything was disturbed.