Mold is a Sign of Moisture
Mold is a sign that there is moisture in your basement. Mold can have a musty smell, it causes health issues and can make the resale value of your house drastically drop.

Sump Pumps that Work are a Necessity
We can't express enough how valuable it is to have a sump pump that does what it's supposed to. This pump is open, so it's allowing water to evaporate back into the air which is contradicting.

The Concrete is Broken Up Around the Perimeter
The concrete around the perimeter of the basement is broken up to allow the system to be installed. WaterGuard is placed below the floor so you don't even know it's there.

The Right Sump Pump for the Job
Our SuperSump sump pump was a great choice for this basement. It has an air tight lid, a drain to collect water from the ground and a pump alarm to alert you if something's wrong before it floods.

We Replace the Concrete
After the WaterGuard system is installed we put down new concrete, leaving the basement dry and looking great.

Outside Drains can be Buried Now too
We are able to bury the drainage lines outside so there is no gaudy pipes that are unappealing or a pain to mow over.

LawnScape Outlet Allows Proper Drainage
This LawnScape outlet is the reason that we can bury the discharge lines. It is not buried but sits slightly below the ground so its almost not noticeable.

Ice is No Longer a Problem for Discharge Lines
Our IceGuard fitting allows water to be ejected from the house even if the discharge lines were to freeze. The holes at the top give the water a way to get out of frozen pipes.