Tiny Entrance to Crawl Space in Higgins Lake
In addition to being very small and not protected from the elements, this crawl space entrance shows signs of water damage through the peeling paint.

Beginnings of Water Damage in Crawl Space
Light warping on the support beams shows that water is beginning to affect the wood in the crawl space. As time goes on, mold and water will degrade the structure of the beams unless the crawl space is encapsulated.

Musty Crawl Space in Higgins Lake
Homes near a body of water are at an even higher risk of water issues due to the high water table. This crawl space, with vents and a poorly sealed entrance, was no different, and the home was starting to show the affects in the form of humidity and musty smells.

Drainage Matting Helps Move Water
Drainage matting is installed between the ground the the CleanSpace. Its dimpled surface gives water just enough space to flow more easily to the SmartDrain without sticking to the vapor barrier.

CleanSpace Makeover in Crawl Space
The CleanSpace vapor barrier system protects the crawl space from the elements, and the home from the crawl space.

Ridding the Crawl Space of Water
The SmartDrain (foreground) allows water to drain from the crawl space, while the SaniDry Sedona dehumidifier (background) provides powerful dehumidification in a small package - essential for tight spaces like this.

Improving the Crawl Space Entrance
We encapsulated the entrance before installing a new airtight door.