Wet Areas Signify Water Seepage
Several wet areas throughout the basement made it clear that with heavy rains, this basement had significant moisture coming in.

Water Running To Floor Drain In Basement
The water that entered the basement was slowly finding its way to the floor drain as evidenced by the coloring on the floor but the best way to prevent any further water issues is to stop water right as it enters and remove it safely from the home.

Large Crack In Wall Signify Bowing
Large horizontal and vertical cracks, created by large roots outside, signify a bowing wall. Left untreated, this could lead to complete wall failure. The problem needed to be addressed.

Concrete Excavated Around Walls
To begin the installation of the WaterGuard system, we removed concrete around the base of the perimeter walls and create a shallow trench for the drain system.

Exposed Footer Requires Additional Protection
For most homes, the footing is below the floor. Here, the footing is actually visible above the floor. To ensure that moisture coming in above the footer, flows safely into our new drain system, we will have to fasten some of our durable and mold-resistance CleanSpace material about one bock up the wall to help direct that moisture into the drain.

System Prepared For New Concrete
Before new concrete is poured, drainage stone is filled in around the WaterGuard system and a FlowGuard is placed on top. This FlowGuard creates a small gap along the base of the wall, allowing moisure to enter the system even after the concrete is replaced.

TrenchDrain Installed Around Stairs
At the base of the stairs we installed a TrenchDrain. The FlowGuard sticks up above the concrete creating a small lip along the base of walls. In doorways and around stairs, this creates a tripping hazard so a TrenchDrain creates a safe way for water to enter the system in these areas.

PowerBraces Installed Along Bowing Wall
The PowerBraces are installed from floor to ceiling along the bowing wall. These galvanized steel beams will prevent any further inward movement along the wall.

System Features Unique Tightening System
At the top of the beam, a unique tightening system allows us or the homeowners to periodically adjust the system during dry periods and potentially improve the condition of the wall over time.

PowerBraces Incoporated Into New Concrete
The base of the PowerBraces will be cemented into the ground when new concrete is spread over the WaterGuard system. To prepare for this, the FlowGuard is modified slightly to ensure that water that enters around the beam, flows safely into the drain.

Completed System Is Neat And Clean
The concrete is neatly spread, flush with the existing floor and the durable CleanSpace material is bright and clean along the base of the walls.

Sump Pump Safely Removes Moisture
The new sump system is level with the concrete and safely removes water from the basement. This sump system features an air tight lid, a floor drain, and a WaterWatch alarm that alerts the homeowner if the pump fails and water is backing up in the system.

Sump Discharge Buried
The sump system safely removes water from the basement and deposits it in the yard away from the home. This discharge line is buried and properly leveled. As we dig to bury the line, we place dirt and grass in buckets to prevent any unnecessary damage to the lawn before it is replaced.