Mold on Wooden Beams in Wet Crawl Space
Mold is visible on the joists throughout the crawl space. The presence of new supplementary support beams on the left show that the original beams are slowly degrading from exposure to mold and moisture.

Musty Crawl Space in Fennville, MI
The dirt floor of a crawl space makes it even more likely to have moisture problems, as there is literally no protection from groundwater. This leads to all of the problems that come with water, from flooding to mold to smells that travel up into the home.

Drainage Matting in Crawl Space
The dimpled surface of the drainage matting allows just enough space for water to move easily to the sump pump.

Beginning the Encapsulation
Once drainage matting is in place, we begin securing the CleanSpace vapor barrier to the floor and walls.

Sedona Dehumidifier Packs a Big Punch
The low profile of the SaniDry Sedona dehumidifier makes it ideal for crawl spaces, like this 32" high space. The dehumidifier will control ambient moisture and prevent mold.

CleanSpace Makeover in Crawl Space
The CleanSpace vapor barrier system creates a seal on the walls and floor of the crawl space, protecting it from incoming moisture and preventing damage from humidity and mold.

Extra CleanSpace Protection
In addition to covering the floor and walls, we wrap the bottoms of support piers to protect them from ambient moisture.

IceGuard Prevents Winter Backup
In the event of a frozen discharge line, the IceGuard cap will prevent water from backing up into the crawl space by allowing it to escape through the grates.

Lawnscape Outlet Allows Discharge Line Burial
The Lawnscape system attaches to the end of the discharge line to expel water, allowing us to bury the line and eliminate the eyesore and trip hazard of a discharge line on your lawn.