Downspouts Making Issues Worse
This basement was already experiencing puddling water during heavy rains. A downspout that's depositing water right next to the home was sure to only make those issues worse.

DIY Fixes Ineffective
It appears as if the homeowner attempted to seal the wall and the cove joint with some sort of substance to prevent the water from coming through. Unfortunately, they diy fix didn't work.

WaterGuard System Set In Place
To install the WaterGuard system, we remove concrete along each of the perimeter walls exposing the home's footer. The system is then set along the footer and is properly level so that moisture is directed safely towards the pump.

Sump System Features
The new SuperSump System has a 1/3 hp Zoeller pump to remove incoming moisture from the home. It also features an airtight lid to prevent musty smells in the basement. A floor drain on the lid allows any water in the basement from a plumbing leak or whatever else to navigate into the crock for safe removal. Finally, a WaterWatch alarm will alert homeowners if the pump fails or isn't keeping up, allowing water to back-up in the crock.

Discharge Line Buried
The discharge line for the sump system is buried in the yard. As we dig the trench for the discharge, we place the dirt on plastic or in buckets to prevent unnecessary damage to the yard. The landscape outlet for the moisture blends with the lawn and is easily mowed over.

IceGuard Fixture Prevents Backups
On the discharge line, along the house, we use an IceGuard fixture which gives water an escape route in the event that the cold winter months cause frozen and blocked lines. Without the IceGuard fixture, this moisture could back up into the basement rather than draining as it should.

Prepared For Concrete
Once the WaterGuard system is in place, drainage stone is filled in around the system and a FlowGuard is placed on top. The FlowGuard, which sits along the wall, creates a narrow gap to allow water to filter into the system along the base of the wall, even after concrete covers the WaterGuard.

Concrete Is Replaced
New concrete is then laid over the system flush with the existing concrete. In this case, some mold-resistant material about a foot up the wall, helps to facilitate water flow into the system, however, in most cases this is not necessary and the WaterGuard system goes almost unnoticed in the room.

Inspection Ports Included
Inspection ports create a unique opportunity to service the system if ever it became necessary. They also create a great opportunity for dehumidifier drainage.