Closeup of Bowing Wall
It's easy to see why people miss bowing walls until they're at a crisis point. The bow is only slightly visible here, but as you'll see in a wider shot, gets more discernible as you look at the big picture.

Crack in Bowing Wall
The mortar in between blocks can crack as a wall bows, giving visual evidence of movement.

Wide Angle Puts Bowing in Perspective
Starting with the block underneath the sealed window, you can see not only cracks in the mortar, but the bowing of the wall.

Extensive Cracks in Wall
The mortar is cracking at the same level all along the walls - this is the pressure point.

Outside Cracking in Basement Wall
Cracks in this wall were visible outside, which shows how bad the problem has gotten.

Wall Anchors Stabilize Bowing Wall
We install wall anchors at an interval that will ensure stabilization. They're anchored in stable soil far beyond the shifting point outside to allow for stability and hopefully straightening over time.

C-Channel Wall Anchors Provide Heavy Duty Support
These longer wall anchors can be used where the point of bowing is broader to provide more support and stability.

Two Types of Wall Anchors
Although these products look different, they're both attached to the wall and anchored in the ground the same way; the only difference is how much of the wall is at risk and therefore needs protection.

Wall Anchors Secured in Ground
We anchor the cables from the wall anchors into soil that isn't affected by shifting. This allows us to create tension in the anchors to stabilize the wall and, with tightening, eventually straighten it.

Side View of Wall Anchor Secured in Ground
The installation of wall anchors does not cause chaos in the ground around it - we hydraulically drill the cable through the ground and only punch out a small area of soil to secure the anchor.

PowerBraces Stabilize Wall
In addition to wall anchors, we used PowerBraces to help stabilize the walls. PowerBraces are secured to the footer and the joists to ensure floor to ceiling protection, and they too can be tightening in the hopes of straightening the wall.

PowerBraces Secure Bowing Basement Wall
As you can see from the gaps between the top of the wall and the PowerBraces, this wall is bowing in the middle.