Pump Is Replaced
The old pump was replaced with a new 1/3 HP Zoeller pump to begin the installation. The pump sits on a stand to help keep it out of sediment and keep the pump working longer.

Temporary Discharge In Use
The discharge line was broken so the homeowners were using a temporary discharge that they fashioned out of pvc above ground.

Downspout Tied In
The discharge line passed right by a downspout which was safely tied in. The discharge then passes underneath the sidewalk and into the main portion of the yard and a safe distance away from the home so that any moisture doesn't cycle back into the basement.

PVC Discharge Assembled
The path for the discharge is dug out with chunks of grass being kept neatly intact and dirt being placed in buckets so as to cause minimal damage to the lawn. The pvc is put in place and glued together.

Drainage Stone Installed
The outlet for the discharge will sit on top of drainage stone to help aid the water in leaching back into the soil away from the home.

IceGuard Protects Against Backups
The IceGuard outlet gives water an escape in the event that cold temperatures cause water to freeze and block the discharge line.

LawnScape Outlet Blends In
The LawnScape outlet on the end of the discharge line blends in well with the lawn and is barely seen. It's also easy to mow around.

Grass Is Replaced
Once the pipe is glued together and in place, the hold is back filled and the portions of grass that were removed are set back in place. In just a couple weeks, you won't even know that we had done any work in the yard.