Old Basement Window is a Source of Trouble
The small window well attached to this window flooded every time it rained, and then leaked water into the basement. It likely wasn't installed with any proper drainage attached.

Small Basement Window Causes Flooding
Water leaking through this window was causing damage to the drywall. In addition to damaging finishes, if left untreated this could lead to mold problems.

Closeup of Water Damage
Note the peeling and warping of the drywall.

New Egress Window Brightens Basement
In addition to meeting building code for habitable space, the new window just spruces the basement up by letting in more light.

Egress Window Needed for Habitable Space
Building code says any habitable space (like a bedroom) has to have two exits - like a door and a window. Egress windows are necessary in basement rooms. Note the ladder-like ridges in the window well that allow for escape.

Window Well With Adequate Drainage
This well won't flood during rains, thus eliminating the source of basement flooding.