Corner Of The Home Sinking
It's settle but in this picture you can see settling occurring in the corner of the home.

Stairstep Cracks Highlight Foundation Issues
The cracks along this wall between the blocks are a telltale sign of foundation problems.

Holes Dug Along Foundation Wall
Holes are dug out along the foundation wall where piers will be placed. With slab foundations like this one, the digging is quite minimal.

Helical Piers Are Drilled
Once the holes have been dug out, long steel helical piers are driven down into the ground. These will permanently support the foundation from now on.

Bracket Installed And Home Lifted
Once the piers are drilled to a sufficient depth, heavy-duty foundation brackets are affixed on the top. The home is then lifted as close to its original position as we can get it.

Pier Supports Failing Foundation
The piers are perfectly spaced along the troubled walls to provide ultimate support to the failing foundation.