Homeowner Looking To Add Egress Windows
The side of this house is void of much visual interest. That will change when we install two new egress windows with two new egress wells where the small windows at the base of the wall are now.

Egress Wells Installed On The Exterior
These egress wells are installed with minimal excavation required. The well is properly secured and the area around it is filled back in. The well is a high quality molded plastic that will not rust or deteriorate like metal or stone.

Basement Interior In Need Of Updating
The old paneling and the tiny windows were not making for a very inviting space. The basement had a lot of square footage with a lot of potential but to make it more inviting, a new wall covering and larger windows were a must.

Finished Egress Windows Look Great
The finished egress windows are a huge improvement to the tiny windows that were there before, have multiple features to help prevent unwanted water from sitting in the window wells, provide a basement escape in the event of any emergency, and they just look good on both the interior and exterior.

Egress Well Fitted With Proper Drainage
The egress well is filled with stone and has a drain in the center to properly dispose of water to keep puddles from forming and entering the home.

The Excavated Area Is Filled In
The area around the egress wells are filled in and the ground is smoothed out. Everything is graded properly so that water drains properly away from the home.

WaterProofing, Wall Coverings Span Entire Wall
Our waterproofing and wall coverings cover the entire wall and wrap around to protect and cover multiple other areas of the basement. The WaterGuard perimeter water system is installed along the base of the walls to collect moisture that may enter from any cracks or gaps in the walls behind the wall coverings. The drainage system then directs the water to the sump pump and out of the home.

Finished Space Is Markedly Brighter
The new egress windows let in a lot more light and the CleanSpace wall coverings help reflect and maximize that light in a way that is pleasing to the eye and very inviting. The CleanSpace wall system is a great economical wall covering for anyone looking to spruce up their basement.

Super Sump System Effectively Discharges Incoming Water
The WaterGuard perimeter drainage system collects water along the base of the walls and directs it into the new sump pump which makes quick work of discharging any water. The SuperSump has a 1/3 hp motor to pump water out and features and airtight lid, floor drain, and an alarm to alert you if the pump fails or is not keeping up.

LawnScape Outlet and IceGuard Drain Water Properly
The LawnSpace outlet drains water into the yard and away from the home without being obvious or unsightly. It's also easy to mow around or over. An IceGuard is also installed along the discharge line next to the home to give water an escape in the event that the buried line freezes in the winter. With the IceGuard you can avoid water backing up into the basement meaning a lot less worry.