Clear Signs That Water Has Been Collecting In Basement
Dark coloring on the floor is not a great sign. It all but signals the fact that water has been consistently settling here in the basement.

Paint Alone Can't Stop Water Forever
This corner of the basement shows the signs of water flowing down the basement walls. Many people try to waterproof their walls with a moisture blocking paint but it doesn't last forever. Eventually the paint blisters and fails.

WaterGuard System Protects Perimeter of Basement
Our crew broke up a small area of concrete around the perimeter of the basement so that we could set our WaterGuard system right on the home's footer. The remainder of the area is then filled with stone and the concrete will be replaced.

Concrete Is Replaced To Create A Like-New Surface
Once the WaterGuard system is in place, the concrete is replaced, leaving only a small gap at the base of the wall to collect water as it enters the home.

Flood Ring Prevents From Future Water Heater Leaks
The flood ring is a great addition to any basement waterproofing. The ring is secured to the concrete and creates a barrier that keeps leaks in and directs moisture to the drainage system rather than into your living space or storage areas.

SaniDry XP Keeps Prevents Musty Basement
The SaniDry XP dehumidifier is better than any conventional dehumidifier that people will buy from the big box stores. It's able to move more air through quicker while using less energy to keep your basement dry. Call and ask us about it.

Wet Area Of The Basement Now Dry As Can Be
Areas where water had puddled before are now completely dry. The WaterGuard system collects any water from the base of the walls sending it flowing through the drainage piping and into the sump pump for removal from the home.

WaterGuard Means No More Puddles In Alto, MI Basement
This basement should have none of its usual water seepage issues now that a proper system for collection and removal of that water is in place.